Privacy Policy

Elliott Electric Supply respects and protects the privacy of our users and we encourage other sites to join us in this effort.

What information do we collect from our users and how do we collect it?

Elliott Electric Supply App collects personal identifying information from our users during:

  • on-line registration (Elliott Electric App) (
  • on-line requests for information & forms
  • messages posted to
  • Usage of the Elliott Electric App

This information is knowingly entered by the user and includes name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone and fax number, company information, location data, and other relative information.

This information is used for several purposes including:

  • To determine how we can improve our site
  • To contact electrical professionals about topics they have expressed an interest
  • Provide electrical professionals with information they have requested
  • To better understand who is visiting our site and what features they would like to have us provide
  • Internal marketing purposes
  • Elliott Electric App uses location to find the nearest Elliott Electric Supply location
  • Elliott Electric App uses location to provide and improve Curbside Pickup

Our privacy pledge to you:

We will NEVER sell, exchange, or release information about you or your company (name, e-mail address, mailing address, company information, credit card data, etc.), regardless of its source, to any third parties.

If you are receiving email from Elliott Electric Supply and wish not to, please email with your information, so we may remove you from our mailing lists. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please direct them to If you would like to speak to Elliott Electric Supply about issues relating to our web site or if you are concerned about information which we may have stored about a particular individual, please call 1-877-777-0242.