Our First Year
Bill has been a dedicated professional in the industry since graduating from Louisiana Tech University in 1960. In 1972, he made the decision to start Elliott
Electric after leaving his father's business. With a vision in mind, he borrowed $80,000, investing $21,000 in a modest building and allocating $59,000 for
inventory, while keeping $20,000 as a reserve for future growth. His wife, Micky ran a showroom and Jack Sandifer managed the counter. Soon after, Rick Moehring
joined the team while pursuing an accounting degree at Stephen F. Austin State University, followed by Rick's roommate, James Rudd. Rick later retired as the
Nacogdoches area manager, and James as a Product Category manager, each after 40 years of dedicated service. The company's first year was marked by a promising
start, achieving $400,000 in sales and generating a modest profit that was reinvested into the business.