Customer Success Story
Linx Electric: 1600 Amp Overnight Rebuild
One evening, Linx Electrical Services began work on a 1600-amp service rebuild
project for a supermarket in the Baton Rouge, Louisiana area. Linx performed the 19-hour job overnight, so the market's business would not be affected.
This challenging project was such a success that Brian Linxwiler, co-owner of Linx Electrical, recently sent us a letter of appreciation, thanking Elliott Electric
Supply for the support the Linx team received, particularly from Elliott salesman, Weldon Dodd.
(Read the letter)
"I can't recall a time when the entire Linx Electric staff was on one job site together," Linxwiler writes about the 19-hour, overnight overhaul.
"There is one person in particular that is the only reason that this job was completed .... This person is not even on our payroll. His name is Weldon Dodd."
According to Linxwiler, Elliott salesman Weldon Dodd was phoned "between 9 pm and 10 pm" for emergency support.
"He was on site within an hour, and wanted to know what we needed, and that he would be happy to get it for us."
"I remember having a conversation with Weldon the next morning as the sun was coming up. Still, with good spirits, there was Weldon ... asking if we needed anything.
He had stayed with us all night!"
"Weldon helped us come up with ideas, tools, and materials to complete the job. As far as I am concerned, there is not a
'supply house,' or any vendor for that matter, that has ever supported Linx Electric the way we were supported that night."