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Pan Box, Plastic, Blue, 8 Cu.In Capacity, Round, L Bracket, 0.55 In Height, 4 In Diameter, 12 LB/100
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Total Availability: In Stock
Book Price
Per 100
Concrete Box Cover, Steel, Pre-Galvanized, Silver, 0.26 LB/Ea
Ceiling Fan Box, Polycarbonate Material, Black, 12 Cu.In Capacity, Round, Lag Screw Mount, 12 In Width, 2-1/4 In Height, 4 In Diameter, 25.5 LB/100
No longer available or discontinued by the manufacturer.
Receptacle Cover, Die-Cast Aluminum, Powder Coated, Silver, 0.82 LB/Ea
Round Blank Ceiling Cover, Diameter 4 Inches, Color White, Material Non-Metallic
Gangable Switch Box, 18 Cubic Inches, 3 Inches Long X 2 Inches Wide X 3-1/2 Inches Deep, 1/2 Inch Knockouts, Pre-Galvanized Steel, For Use With Conduit
Old Work Box, PVC Material, Blue, 16 Cu.In Capacity, 1 Gang, Rectangular, Molded Ear #4 Swing Bracket, 3-1/2 In Length, 2-1/4 In Width, 2-11/16 In Height, 19 LB/100
Reducer Plug, Size 1 Inch X 3/4 Inch, Material PVC, Color Gray, For Use With Schedule 40 and 80 Conduit
Single Gang Drop In Floor Box With Hole Saw, 11.8 Cubic Inches, 2.25 Inch Diameter, Depth 7.02 Inches, Cover Brass, Non-Metallic, With Pre-Wired Single Receptacle, Low Voltage Telephone/Cable Plate and 1-Blank Plate For Custom Installations