We are excited to introduce Electrical Slang, our new website providing a collection of electrician's slang terms, like goose grease, for example. The website is provided by Elliott Electric as a way to help those that need help with old terminology such as a wiggy, hotdog, or a turkey wing. Electrical Slang's goal is to provide our customers a resource that can be used by anybody that needs help with industry terms in an easy to use website. We have over 800 terms cross referenced to almost 600 definitions with slang, preferred terms, trademark names, and images. So when you need to know what a bookie tool , a red devil, or a bunny gun is check us out at
Help us by contributing new terms or add to those we already have! We have a lot of terms, but we know it's not all of them, so we need your help. Our goal is to provide a resource with same quality you expect from Elliott Electric Supply. Share your knowledge of the industry stop by and then contributing your lingo.
Check it out on your phone!
Electrical Slang works on mobile devices, with an easy to use layout. The site gives you a chance to even share your favorite terms on social media via the buttons below the definition. All of the menu items from the desktop version are tucked in the button above the red "add" button on the screen.